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What Is An Agile Release Train

An agile release train is an organizational structure used in Agile software development. It is a self-organizing team that works together to deliver new software releases regularly and predictably. The team comprises members from multiple disciplines, including product management, software engineering, UX/UI design, quality assurance, and customer support. The team works collaboratively and iteratively to develop, test, and deploy software updates. The team uses Agile principles, such as customer feedback and iterative development, to quickly and efficiently build new features and updates. The team also has a release train calendar to coordinate the release schedule, and they plan and track progress using Agile Release Train boards.

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Startup Roadmap Template

This Startup Roadmap Template helps you plan, manage and communicate your startup's goals. It outlines the key milestones and actions you need to take to get your business up and running. Get organized, stay focused, and achieve success!

Product Roadmap Development

Product Roadmap Development helps organizations understand customer needs, prioritize projects and achieve strategic business outcomes. Our proven process helps plan the right projects, with the right resources, at the right time.

Track Feature Requests In Trello

Trello's Track Feature Requests board helps you keep on top of customer feedback and stay organized. Easily prioritize requests, assign tasks to team members, and capture customer data - all in one place!

Creative Ways To Get Feedback

Creative ways to get feedback for your project or business: learn about innovative tools and techniques to get quality feedback from your customers. Get the insights you need to improve your products and services!

Roadmap templates

Initiative Roadmap Template

The Initiative Roadmap is a visual planning tool used to plan and track the progress of strategic initiatives or projects, communicate progress, and manage priorities.

Epic Roadmap Template

The Epic Roadmap is a visual planning tool used to plan and track the progress of larger-scale software development initiatives, communicate progress, and manage priorities.

Swim Lane Roadmap Template

The Swim Lane Roadmap is a visual planning tool used to manage complex projects involving multiple teams or stakeholders, ensuring accountability, managing dependencies, and identifying bottlenecks.

Product Full Timeline Roadmap Template

The Product Full Timeline Roadmap is a visual planning tool used to track and plan the entire lifecycle of a product, ensuring stakeholders understand the development strategy, timeline, and dependencies.

Product Feature Roadmap Template

The Product Feature Roadmap is a visual planning tool used to manage and prioritize the development of specific product features, communicate progress, and manage priorities.