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Customer Feedback Tools

Customer feedback tools are online platforms that allow businesses to gather customer feedback and insights. These tools allow businesses to receive honest and valuable customer feedback, helping them better understand customer needs and wants. Customer feedback tools also allow businesses to track customer sentiment, analyze customer feedback, and suggest product and service improvements. Additionally, customer feedback tools can help businesses create surveys to gain further insights into customer satisfaction and provide customer support and help desks. Businesses can make more informed decisions and improve customer experiences using customer feedback tools.

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Feature Upvote Tool

Feature Upvote is a simple yet powerful tool to help you capture, organize, and prioritize customer feedback. It's designed to make it easy to track customer requests and prioritize the most important ones. Quickly identify the features that your customers need most.

Asana Feature Requests

Asana Feature Requests: Get your voice heard and make your ideas a reality. Share your requests, upvote existing ones and collaborate with others to get your feature implemented faster.

Business model canvas

Business Model Canvas helps entrepreneurs, startups & business owners design, build & test business models in an organized way. It is an effective tool for planning, strategizing & growing your business.

Platform Roadmap Template

This Platform Roadmap template helps you create a comprehensive plan to ensure that your product meets the user's needs and expectations. It helps you set goals, prioritize work, track progress, and create an effective roadmap for success.

Roadmap templates

Product Full Timeline Roadmap Template

The Product Full Timeline Roadmap is a visual planning tool used to track and plan the entire lifecycle of a product, ensuring stakeholders understand the development strategy, timeline, and dependencies.

Sprint Plan Roadmap Template

The Sprint Plan Roadmap is a visual planning tool used by agile software development teams to plan and track the progress of individual sprints, communicate progress, and manage priorities.

Now Next Later Roadmap Slide Template

The Now Next Later Roadmap is a visual planning tool used in agile software development to prioritize tasks and manage backlogs, improving productivity and focusing on delivering value to customers.

Epic Roadmap Slide Template

An Epic Roadmap is a planning tool used in agile software development to visualize Epics, associated stories, timelines, and priorities, helping prioritize features and plan sprints.

Quarterly Roadmap Template

A Quarterly Roadmap is a planning tool used by organizations to outline goals, priorities, and tasks for a three-month period, providing direction, alignment, and structure.