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The User Feedback Platform, Usersnap, helps build impactful products by putting user needs at the center of product development. It allows for easy tracking, organizing, responding, and scaling of user feedback all in one place. The platform is trusted by over 20,000 websites, including major companies like Microsoft, Lego, and BBC. Usersnap offers features such as in-app research, user testing, and a user-friendly feedback widget to help prioritize and validate new features. It is GDPR and CCPA compliant and has a 99.99% satisfaction rate for its support services. The platform also offers seamless integration with other enterprise workflows and has received high ratings from G2 and Capterra.


  1. User-friendly interface: Usersnap has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate and use the software.
  2. Integration options: It can be integrated with various project management and collaboration tools, such as Jira, Trello, and Slack.
  3. Customer feedback: Usersnap allows businesses to gather feedback from their customers through customizable feedback forms or a browser extension.
  4. Bug tracking: It provides a centralized platform for tracking and managing reported bugs, ensuring they are addressed in a timely manner.
  5. Screenshots and annotations: Usersnap allows users to take screenshots of web pages and add annotations, making it easier to understand reported issues.
  6. Cross-browser and device compatibility: It supports all major browsers and devices, allowing customers to provide feedback from any platform.
  7. Real-time collaboration: Usersnap allows team members to collaborate and discuss issues in real-time, making the bug-fixing process


  1. Limited customization: Usersnap has limited customization options, which may not meet the specific needs of larger or more complex businesses.
  2. Expensive for small businesses: The pricing for Usersnap can be high for small businesses, making it a more suitable solution for larger companies.


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If you're interested in making the switch, we offer a free migration. The IdeaPlan support team is here to help you with any questions. Effortlessly capture, track and organise your customers' feedback with a system built around your needs.