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The benefits of using Fider, a feature-packed solution for collecting and organizing customer feedback. The text also mentions the various features of Fider, such as customizable branding, social login, and multi-language support. It emphasizes the simplicity and affordability of Fider's pricing and the availability of a free trial. The text also mentions the company's blog, which provides updates, and documentation for using Fider.


  • Easy to use interface: Fider has a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy for both team members and customers to use.
  • Customizable forms: The platform allows users to create custom feedback forms to gather specific information from their customers.
  • Real-time notifications: Users receive real-time notifications for new feedback, keeping them updated on the latest feedback.
  • Integrations: Fider can be integrated with other popular tools such as Slack, GitHub, and Zapier, making it convenient for teams to incorporate feedback into their existing workflows.


  • Limited customization options: While Fider allows for some customization, some users may find the options to be limited.
  • Lack of advanced analytics: The platform offers basic reporting capabilities, but lacks advanced analytics that would provide deeper insights into the feedback collected.
  • Limited user management: Fider does not offer robust user management features, such as defining roles and permissions for team members.


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If you're interested in making the switch, we offer a free migration. The IdeaPlan support team is here to help you with any questions. Effortlessly capture, track and organise your customers' feedback with a system built around your needs.