B2B Customer Feedback Tool

View all customer feedback in one centralized location. Easily prioritize, categorize, and tag. Filter on the most important ideas and plan for impactful feature releases.

IdeaPlan Dashboard

Know what is trending, popular, and priority for your customers

Product teams can easily search across all ideas and have a unique perspective on what to build next.

Idea Tracking

Sort, filter, prioritize, and search across ideas from all your idea boards. Associate statuses, categories, tags, and releases to ideas.

User Trends

Have visibility to user trends. Know what users submitted popular ideas, added comments, and voted.

Feature Voting

All users can vote for any number of submitted ideas. All customers can see the number of votes across active ideas.

User Communication

User communication is central to keeping users up to date with product planning. Respond to comments and email users directly.

IdeaPlan Feature Upvoting

How it works

IdeaPlan Statuses